jupyter: jupytext: textrepresentation: extension: .md formatname: markdown formatversion: '1.3' jupytextversion: 1.15.2 kernelspec: display_name: Bash language: bash
tl;dr on how to run this: python3 -m venv jupyter_bash && mkdir -p jupyter_bash/home/mkwii_tutorial && cd jupyter_bash/home/mkwii_tutorial && ../../bin/pip install jupytext bash_kernel jupyterlab && ../../bin/python -m bash_kernel.install && ../../bin/jupytext instadistr.md --to ipynb && ../../bin/jupyter lab
This translates https://wiki.tockdom.com/wiki/LE-CODE/Distribution_Tutorial into a notebook.
```bash REGION='PAL'
GAMEISO='RMCP01.iso' DESTDIR='destdir' TEMPDIR='extractfiles'
WBZDIR='tracks' SZSDIR='tracks_extracted' ```
You can get Wiimm's tools through your distrubtion. Wiimm also provides prebuilt binaries from his website. We'll download them and add them to the path here:
```bash URLSZS='https://szs.wiimm.de/download/szs-v2.39a-r8904-x8664.tar.gz' URLWIT='https://wit.wiimm.de/download/wit-v3.05a-r8638-x8664.tar.gz'
wget -O szs-tools.tar.gz "$URLSZS" wget -O wit.tar.gz "$URLWIT" ```
tar xvf szs-tools.tar.gz
tar xvf wit.tar.gz
SZS_TOOLS_DIR="$(readlink -f szs-*/bin)"
WIT_DIR="$(readlink -f wit-*/bin)"
wit extract -o -F '+/sys/main.dol' "$GAME_ISO" "$TEMP_DIR"
wstrt patch -D "$DEST_DIR/sys/main.dol" --add-lecode -o "$TEMP_DIR/DATA/sys/main.dol"
Note: distr can convert and move SZSes in one go, but I'll show it as a separate step in case you have some SZSes already you also want to use
wit extract -o -F '+/files/Race/Course' "$GAME_ISO" "$TEMP_DIR"
wszst autoadd "$TEMP_DIR/DATA/files/Race/Course"
wszst copy --szs $WBZDIR/*.wbz -D "$SZSDIR/%N.szs" ```
CT-DEF has been replaced by LE-DEF, but wctct bmg
needs it.
See this article for special per-slot features: https://wiki.tockdom.com/wiki/Slot
cat > ctdef.txt < [RACING-TRACK-LIST] EOF IFS=$'\n'
for file in $(ls "$SZS_DIR"); do
# wlect dis .szs le-def=- can parse the [r33] in filenames
# can we use that somehow?
# Use the slot specified in the brackets, otherwise use Mario Circuit as a fallback
slot="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/.[r([0-9]+)./\1/; /^[0-9]$/!cMC')"
name="$(basename -s ".szs" "$file")"
label="$(echo "$name" | sed 's/ [.*]$//')" done
unset IFS
``` We don't really need a LE-DEF in this notebook, but it helps illustrate how the powerful At the beginning of the distribution (shortened to For a more expansive explanation of the command, run it without any parameters: BMG files contain the text you see on screen in the game's menus.CT-CODE
Define the maximum number of strings of track definition:
Enable support for LE-CODE flags (0=no, 1=yes):
Auto insert a Wiimm cup with 4 special random slots (0=no, 1=yes):
echo "T $music; $slot; \"$name\"; \"$label\"" | tee -a ctdef.txt
Converting CT-DEF to LE-DEF
wlect distribution
command works.bash
wlect dis ctdef.txt ledef=ledef.txt
) command, you specify files to be scanned by naming them. These can definition files, SZSes, parameter files, etc. On the right-hand side, you specify outputs to be generated based on what was scanned beforehand. In this case, we're generating a ledef
file from the information that was gathered by reading ctdef.txt
wlect dis
Adding LE-CODE
Using LE-CODE from a zip
wget -O lecode.zip "$URL_LECODE"
unzip -o lecode.zip
wlect patch --le-define ctdef.txt *.build-*/lecode-$REGION.bin -o -D "$DEST_DIR/rel/lecode-$REGION.bin"
Using LE-CODE built-in to WLECT
wlect distribution -o ctdef.txt "$REGION=$DEST_DIR/rel/lecode-$REGION.bin"
Setting up the UI
Creating cup icons
wlect distribution -o ctdef.txt cup-icons=swapped,5,space=icons.tpl
Creating BMG files
wctct bmg --le-code ctdef.txt > bmg.txt
Adding them to the game
wit extract -o -F '+/files/Scene/UI/*.szs' "$GAME_ISO" "$TEMP_DIR"
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR/Scene/UI"
wszst patch --cup-icons icons.tpl --patch-bmg 'OVERWRITE=bmg.txt' --le-menu --9laps $TEMP_DIR/DATA/files/Scene/UI/*.szs -od "$DEST_DIR/Scene/UI"
Placing the SZS files
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR/Race/Course"
wlect dis --track-dir="$DEST_DIR/Race/Course" --copy-tracks="$SZS_DIR" ctdef.txt tracks=log
Adding empty preview videos
wget -O video.zip https://download.wiimm.de/lecode/distribution-support/video.zip
unzip -o video.zip
mkdir -p "$DEST_DIR/thp/course"
tee < video.thp > /dev/null "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/banana.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/cup_select.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/flower.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/kinoko.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/konoha.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/koura.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/special.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/star.thp" "$DEST_DIR/thp/course/thunder.thp"
Creating a Riivolution XML file
sed 's/ /\t/g' > mydistr.xml <<EOF
<wiidisc version="1">
<section name="example section">
<option name="example patch">
<choice name="Enabled">
<patch id="example"/>
<patch id="example">
<folder external="/destdir" disc="/" recursive="true" create="true"/>
<folder external="/destdir/sys" recursive="false" />