
Feature requests, bug reports and other complaints appreciated. This is for the whole site, so please mention which page you're talking about.

127 Connor Morrison @

126 Ira Litore @
Was playing around and made something similar to hardened steel waves, but red
Hardened Fire (Waves?)


124 kat @
Cheese styled text
the code is: 6a

123 Webmaster @
Hmm... I think what happened last time was that my router decided to mess itself while I was away on vacation. When something like that happens, there's not much I can do until I get back home.
Recently I started renting a server in a datacentre for a different project, and it has quite some capacity left, so I'm considering moving this website onto there as well. It should be more reliable. I'm not sure how I feel about it though.

What I definitely recommend you doing is to save the pages you like by pressing Ctrl-S! You can use your local copy even if the web site goes down. You can even make your own changes and share the modified copy with your friends :3

122 kaelin @
this site is so helpful for my signs & world names! i noticed it was offline for a bit not super long ago, what was the reason and is there anything we could do to prevent it from going down again in the future ^^ thanks 

121 GraysonDoesAnything @
Experience 2eagqp

120 CCShakeCat @
Order name: Full Rainbow (Bedrock Only)

The order is as follows:

119 ashley @

118 iri @
ur cute

117 Lugiuss @
Cool Blue

by Lugiuss

116 Webmaster @
Hi Max,

Sucks to hear the script doesn't work for you any more. But I haven't looked at it for ages, so that's understandable.
Back when I programmed it, there wasn't any public documentation. GraphQL introspection methods were blocked. I used the network tab in my browser's inspector to see the GraphQL requests they were doing, and mostly copied them wholesale into my script.
But it looks like that now, they've been helpful enough to make their GraphiQL instance publicly available. Just go to, put in {"Authorization: "firebase <your token here>"} in the "Headers" box at the bottom, and then click the "Fetch schema" button in the left bottom corner. Then you can use the "Documentation Explorer" button in the top left to see all the methods and types in their API. ^_^
The "GraphiQL Explorer" feature in there also seems pretty easy to use. Check off "searchNoCache", and under that check off all the fields you want to get in your data dump. Compare it to the "searchNoCache" request your browser makes when you visit the 'my adventures' page to see which input fields you'll have to supply to only see your own stories.

I hope that's enough to get you going. If you get it working, feel free to write in again and I'll link to you on my page. :3

Now that I think about it, with GDPR, they're legally obliged to give you a way to export your own data. Maybe send them an e-mail about that? It'd obviously be easier than developing your own script.

115 max @
Wow I love your site!!! I came here trying to make use of your old AIDungeon script, as I have a novel-length multiplayer game I'd like to preserve locally. But it looks like the API has changed since then, breaking the script... I haven't coded in a while but I tried to fix it myself, made a little progress (the API url has changed from a .io to a .com link, for example), then discovered that the schema has changed, the fields have changed. 

Unable to find Latitude's API documentation, I gave up for now. 😭 

Any breadcrumbs to lead me on the right path? I'd be happy to update the script for you & share. 

ur insanely cool



112 IkermlgYT @
this fucking rocks dude nice work

111 GraysonDoesAnything @
90s Neon Rainbow
3D System Glitch
Hotdog Boss

110 GraysonDoesAnything @
Tis the Season
Hardened Magma
The Matrix
Pink Dragonfruit

109 Hyperlord007 @
&x&7&2&0&0&0&0&l&o&x&6&B&0&3&0&3&l&o&x&6&3&0&6&0&6&l&o&x&5&C&0&9&0&9&l&o&x&5&5&0&C&0&C&l&o&x&4&D&0&F&0&F&l&o &x&4&6&1&2&1&2&l&o&x&3&E&1&5&1&5&l&o&x&3&7&1&8&1&8&l&o

So many cool tools. It's very nice you make them available without obnoxious ads or styling. Hope you have a wonderful day!

107 Keith__ @
Ok my friend sent me this site for the Minecraft color code thing, but this entire site is great. I was sad about being too young to experience the old internet, but here it is, with modern-day content too.

106 illaena @
Unicorn Rainbow - d6eabf

105 Webmaster @
You don't have to reverse-engineer anything ^_^
Check out the /serverware/ directory for all the server-side code.

104 sorry man @
Hi im using this to reverse enjere your website

103 KaiTheKiller @

102 Jh1sc @
Hey, idk whos in charge of this website, but i wanted to propose a simple idea. ok.

In MCPE bedrock edition (1.20) they have added new colours (still with the §), and adding these new colours or a seperator between java and bedrock would be helpful, to lots of people anyways here are the new colours and old ones

New Ones;
§u - Chalky Purple
§t -  Dark Aqua/Blue
§i - White/Gray
§h - Quartz/Pinky White
§m - Dark Red/Orange
§j - Netherite Gray/Silver
§s - Dark Blue/Aqua
§q - Dark Green/Cyan

Old Colour Codes;
§0 - Black
§1 - Dark Blue
§2 - Dark Green
§3 - Dark Aqua
§4 - Dark Red
§5 - Dark Purple
§6 - Gold
§7 - Gray
§8 - Dark Gray
§9 - Blue
§a - Green
§b - Aqua
§c - Red
§d - Light Purple
§e - Yellow
§f - White
§g - Minecoin Gold

Hope, you considered and implement this change!

101 ori @

100 FreeSpinner @
SnowCone - fb7

purple: d5f
blue: bb399ff
better blue: fb31
purple green white & yellow: 5dafe
gradient red: cc444
gradient blue: 19
summer: efd
fall: 6ce6
red & blue: c91b

98 MikoPimpek @
please add option &k

97 Gyrra @
Candycorn: fe6cd
Ice: 93bf
Lavendar: 95d
Bubblegum 2.0: bfd
Long rainbow: 4c6ea2b3195d

96 NSUanym @
this is so friggen cool!

95 illaena @
Kawaii Rainbow - dc6ea2b9

94 illaena @
Patriotic - cf9fc



91 toasty#5138 @

90 anitwenty @
Fun lil programs! 

89 IVCrusader @
Hardened Steel Waves

88 Webmaster @
Good idea! Turning down the gamma a bit and then turning up the contrast seems to work well for many images I've tried.
Hm, there might be too many knobs now.

87 Haley @
Gamma adjustment would be really handy. Sometimes the image is entirely too bright or dark, and contrast and saturation adjustment isn’t really doing it justice.

86 Webmaster @
Epic, that's less ugly. I'll make it the default.

85 wd4q5dy @
c6ea395 is slightly better for a smoother rainbow


83 bu @

82 killsushi @
you seem like a cool fellow

81 @
BubbleGum! - (

80 Mango @

79 feor @
cool web sight

78 LastLaffs @


77 fayzzngl @

mexican flag

76 LastLaffs @

american flag 

75 LastLaffs @


Cool website - LastLaffs

74 LastLaffs @


Cool website - LastLaffs

73 LastLaffs @

Candy cane theme :D

72 LastLaffs @
Ignore link :P

71 LastLaffs @

70 LastLaffs @

69 n1nja6 @


mcdonalds - GIJSSIIIEEEE

67 Webmaster @
These are great, thanks for the contributions!


sunset2.0 - GIJSSIIIEEEE




sunset vibe - GIJSSIIIEEEE

1 19bf

waves theme - GIJSSIIIEEEE


wave theme - GIJSSIIIEEEE


60 Rynxy @

Tropical theme - Rynxy



57 AngerYT @
(Rainbow text Generator)

56 AngerYT @
Angry Color codes: 

&4&l&nC&c&l&na&6&l&nl&e&l&nm&a&l&ny&2&l&n-&1&l&nF&9&l&nr&b&l&no&d&l&ng&5&l&nB&4&l&na&c&l&nh&6&l&nh&e&l&n'&a&l&ns&2&l&n &1&l&nS&9&l&ne&b&l&nr&d&l&nv&5&l&ne&4&l&nr

54 MABFGaming @
Super Rainbow Color!

53 RetiredCat @

52 §c§lS§6§lU§e§lC§a§lK §b§lM§5§lY §6§lA§e§lS§a§lS§9§l! @

51 Century @
Thanks for keeping this running. Just saved all my stories -- now Dragon is finally toast, time to go elsewhere. Good times will come again, I know it.

50 Webmaster @
Are you using Mac OS? You should install SSL certificates using the command `/Applications/Python*/Install\ Certificates.command'.
If that's not the solution, can you tell me which OS you're using, how you installed Python, and the version numbers of your OS and Python?

49 Chadidiah @
This was amazing! But I was only able to use it once and never again. Whenever I try to run it would just crash.

urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: certificate has expired (_ssl.c:1129)>

this pops up

48 asdasdasdasddas @

47 Rynxy @
Fire Theme:

46 AngerYT (Anger) @
Fire Theme
&4&l &c&l &c&4

45 Anger @
Sad Theme
&f &7&l &7 &f

44 Anger @
Zomer theme
&e&l &6&l

43 xFASTFLAME27x @
I would like to make
a firestile text.

42 CozyDoubloon234 @
no i am not

41 CozyDoubloon234 @
oh fuck you

CozyDoubloon234 is a cunt

39 CozyDoubloon234 @
i use this &eits great!

38 CozyDoubloon234 @
joke xd

37 CozyDoubloon234 @
javaruntimes uses this for his creations

36 AngerYT @
Winter Color codes:
&3&l then &b&l then &f&l

35 Pekgame @
I had new rainbow color order!

I'm just joking haha

34 Vienna @
Thanks so much, it works again! :)

33 e @

32 Webmaster @
Looks like they removed the easy way to get the whole World Info in one go. I've disabled it, so the script works again, but it won't get your World Info anymore. Redownload ‘’ and try it out.

31 B. Vienna @
Did this stop working? I used to use it all the time and it worked great, but now it says:

HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
b'{"errors":[{"message":"Cannot query field \\"worldInfo\\" on type \\"Adventure\\". Did you mean \\"worldId\\"?","locations":[{"line":20,"column":1}],"extensions":{"code":"GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"}}]}\n' 

30 Edda @
Amazing tool, and made my life easier.

Trans Rights are human rights!

29 Edda @
Amazing tool, and made my life easier.

Trans Rights are human rights!


27 Nutsupra654r @

26 Spieler_0 @
The Combination 4c6ea219bd5 is good!

25 Steel @
Some kind of halloween colours using Orange, Purple and Black.

24 12Cris12 @

23 Webmaster @
Hmm, looks like they changed it so you can no longer look in subscenarios of scenarios that aren't yours. I added a check for it, so at least it shouldn't crash anymore.

22 TKT @
I get an error towards the end of the script. I told it to also download bookmarked stories.

Getting subscenario 3c748440-7947-11eb-8ad1-1be621c42613...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\", line 219, in <module>
    result['data']['scenario']['isOption'] = True
TypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment

21 Khema @
>>20Oh my bad, I didn't realize the two were different.  That worked, thanks again.

20 Webmaster @
AIDCAT is unrelated to my script. You need to use the that’s on here for it to work. (click on "here" under step 3) That’ll give you a stories.json which can be loaded by

19 Khema @
Hey, first off, thanks for doing this, I've wanted a way to export stories even before shit hit the fan. 
I'm having trouble exporting to HTML as well. I tried the Powershell method and it seems to be searching for the stories.json file. But when the aidcat script ran, it created files named "your_adventures_(date).json" Did I do something wrong?

18 Webmaster @
That's a weird error message. Can you try downloading the script again? It might have gotten corrupted.
If that doesn't fix it, can you tell me which browser and operating system you are using?

17 Gorbachov @
(sorry took a while to respond, was at work) 
Basically, when I do that it says:

line 7
    <!DOCTYPE html>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

16 Webmaster @
Can you try running it through the command line and see if you get any error messages? There’s a video on how to do it at the bottom of the page. But, instead of typing ‘py’, type ‘py’.

15 Gorbachov @
for some reason the doesn't seem to work for me. The console just opens and closes, but there's no html made in the folder with the jsons that I put it in.

14 Tom @
Thanks, worked great and now I can move on.

13 Webmaster @
A URLError could mean anything. Can you post the whole error message?

12 horsham @
I get an URLError where it can't seem to handle the https - any advice?

11 Webmaster @
Just put it in the same folder as the HTML files, and make sure that it's named “style.css”.
Note that it's really minimal: all it does is limit line width to ~70 characters and give you a checkbox to show which actions are yours and which are the AI's.

10 kp @
ey, how do you get the css working?

9 Weegee @
Thank you so much!

8 Webmaster @
Try running it through the command line and see if you get any error messages. I added some instructions for that to the page.

Thank you! I made it last Wednesday, haha.

You're probably getting quite a bit of traffic from that AIDungeon tool you made a while ago. Just wanted to check in here and say that while your tool was immensely helpful for automating backup, your other small projects on your site are equally as cool. I used the dither tool to fuck with some of my wallpapers, and they came out pretty nice. Thanks for all of these interesting tools, and the effort you put into them.

6 Weegee @
Script file keeps closing, what do?

5 mistah F @
thanks fam

You are a scholar and a saint.

3 thoo @
thanks bro, you are cool man

2 dr. coomer, ph. d. @
thank you based coder
